Accessibility Notice

Accessibility for sight and hearing issues

We want to make sure our website and emails are as accessible and easy to use as possible. For everyone.

The work we do online follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

Accessibility for the website

We use technology and design our website in ways that help us make its content accessible for all. There are also steps you can take using your device to make things easier.

Accessibility features for using the website on a computer


Start by holding ‘CTRL’ then:

  • Zoom in by pressing ‘+’.
  • Zoom out by pressing ‘-‘.


Start by holding ‘Command’ then:

  • Zoom in by pressing ‘+’.
  • Zoom out by pressing ‘-‘.


Go to ‘Start’, then ‘Settings’ and select ‘Magnifier’.


Use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Toggle zoom by pressing ‘Option’ and ‘Command’ and ‘8’.
  • Zoom in by pressing ‘Option’ and ‘Command’ and ‘=’.
  • Zoom out by pressing ‘Option’ and ‘Command’ and ‘-‘.


Go to ‘Start’, then ‘Settings’ and select ‘Ease of access’ where there’s a slider that makes text bigger.


Go to ‘System preferences’, then ‘Display’ and select ‘Scaled’.


Go to ‘Start’, then ‘Settings’ and select ‘Ease of access’ where there’s a slider that changes the brightness of the screen.


Go to ‘System preferences’, then ‘Accessibility’ and select ‘Display’.

NVDA is a free and open-source screen reader for Microsoft Windows operating systems. For more information or to download the screen reader, go to opens in a new tab .


VoiceOver comes with Mac OS X operating systems by default (mobile and desktop). If for some reason VoiceOver is not installed, download it for free at opens in a new tab .

Accessibility for emails

If you want a text-only version of your emails, let us know and we’ll sort that for you. Either call us on 01444 688010 or send us a secure message from our contact page

Accessibility resources and information

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